Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Training and Sharing of Google Applications @ SMK Skudai

From the Google Apps we were exposed to during CALL class, my partner Siti Aisyah and I decided to share the knowledge with a few teachers at SMK Skudai. We chose to share the Google Form and IF formula and the Google Presentation with the teachers who volunteered to be our participants: Pn Noriza Hamid, Pn Lua Geok Chiau, Pn Rasyidah Md Nawi, Cik Hasniti Irwa, Cik Noraini Yusof and Cik Normila. The response was very positive. Pn Noriza has now collected her students' e-mail addresses and couldn't wait to share the new application learnt with them (the Google Form - for quizzes and exercises). As usual, in the excitement of training and sharing the knowledge, I forgot to take pictures - can only show you some parts of the slides we used. Also present to observe us were our two great tutors: Ideh and Safinaz.

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